func anyGenerator<G : GeneratorType>(_: G) Return a GeneratorType instance that wraps base but whose type depends only on the type of G.Element. Example: func countStrings() -> AnyGenerator<String> { let lazyStrings = (0..<10) { String($0) } // This is a really complicated type of no interest to our // clients. let g: MapSequenceGenerator<RangeGenerator<Int>, String> = lazyStrings.generate() return anyGenerator(g) } Declaration func anyGenerator<G : GeneratorType>(base: G) -> AnyGenerator<G.Element> func anyGenerator<Element>(_: () -> Element?) Return a GeneratorType instance whose next method invokes body and returns the result. Example: var x = 7 let g = anyGenerator { x < 15 ? x++ : nil } let a = Array(g) // [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ] Declaration func anyGenerator<Element>(body: () -> Element?) -> AnyGenerator<Element>