
func debugPrint(_: Any..., separator: String, terminator: String)

Writes the textual representations of items most suitable for debugging, separated by separator and terminated by terminator, into the standard output.

The textual representations are obtained for each item via the expression String(reflecting: item).

Note: to print without a trailing newline, pass terminator: ""

See Also: print, Streamable, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible`


  • func debugPrint(items: Any..., separator: String = default, terminator: String = default)
func debugPrint<Target : OutputStreamType>(_: Any..., separator: String, terminator: String, inout toStream: Target)

Writes the textual representations of items most suitable for debugging, separated by separator and terminated by terminator, into output.

The textual representations are obtained for each item via the expression String(reflecting: item).

Note: to print without a trailing newline, pass terminator: ""

See Also: print, Streamable, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible`
