
struct String.CharacterView.Index

A position in a string's CharacterView instance.

You can convert between indices of the different string views by using conversion initializers and the samePosition(in:) method overloads. The following example finds the index of the first space in the string's character view and then converts that to the same position in the UTF-8 view:

let hearts = "Hearts <3 ♥︎ 💘"
if let i = hearts.characters.index(of: " ") {
    let j = i.samePosition(in: hearts.utf8)
    print(Array(hearts.utf8.prefix(upTo: j)))
// Prints "[72, 101, 97, 114, 116, 115]"
Inheritance Comparable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, Equatable View Protocol Hierarchy →
Import import Swift


init?(_: String.UTF8Index, within: String)

Creates an index in the given string that corresponds exactly to the specified UTF8View position.

If the position passed in utf8Index doesn't have an exact corresponding position in other.characters, the result of the initializer is nil. For example, an attempt to convert the position of a UTF-8 continuation byte returns nil.

Parameters: utf8Index: A position in the utf8 view of the other parameter. other: The string referenced by both utf8Index and the resulting index.


init?(_ utf8Index: String.UTF8Index, within other: String)
init?(_: String.UTF16Index, within: String)

Creates an index in the given string that corresponds exactly to the specified UTF16View position.

The following example finds the position of a space in a string's utf16 view and then converts that position to an index in the string's characters view. The value 32 is the UTF-16 encoded value of a space character.

let cafe = "Café 🍵"

let utf16Index = cafe.utf16.index(of: 32)!
let charactersIndex = String.Index(utf16Index, within: cafe)!

print(String(cafe.characters.prefix(upTo: charactersIndex)))
// Prints "Café"

If the position passed in utf16Index doesn't have an exact corresponding position in other.characters, the result of the initializer is nil. For example, an attempt to convert the position of the trailing surrogate of a UTF-16 surrogate pair fails.

The next example attempts to convert the indices of the two UTF-16 code points that represent the teacup emoji ("🍵"). The index of the lead surrogate is successfully converted to a position in other.characters, but the index of the trailing surrogate is not.

let emojiHigh = cafe.utf16.index(after: utf16Index)
print(String.Index(emojiHigh, within: cafe))
// Prints "Optional(String.Index(...))"

let emojiLow = cafe.utf16.index(after: emojiHigh)
print(String.Index(emojiLow, within: cafe))
// Prints "nil"

Parameters: utf16Index: A position in the utf16 view of the other parameter. other: The string referenced by both utf16Index and the resulting index.


init?(_ utf16Index: String.UTF16Index, within other: String)
init?(_: String.UnicodeScalarIndex, within: String)

Creates an index in the given string that corresponds exactly to the specified UnicodeScalarView position.

The following example converts the position of the Unicode scalar "e" into its corresponding position in the string's character view. The character at that position is the composed "é" character.

let cafe = "Cafe\u{0301}"
// Prints "Café"

let scalarsIndex = cafe.unicodeScalars.index(of: "e")!
let charactersIndex = String.Index(scalarsIndex, within: cafe)!

print(String(cafe.characters.prefix(through: charactersIndex)))
// Prints "Café"

If the position passed in unicodeScalarIndex doesn't have an exact corresponding position in other.characters, the result of the initializer is nil. For example, an attempt to convert the position of the combining acute accent ("\u{0301}") fails. Combining Unicode scalars do not have their own position in a character view.

let nextIndex = String.Index(cafe.unicodeScalars.index(after: scalarsIndex),
                             within: cafe)
// Prints "nil"

Parameters: unicodeScalarIndex: A position in the unicodeScalars view of the other parameter. other: The string referenced by both unicodeScalarIndex and the resulting index.


init?(_ unicodeScalarIndex: String.UnicodeScalarIndex, within other: String)

Instance Variables

var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook

A custom playground Quick Look for this instance.

If this type has value semantics, the PlaygroundQuickLook instance should be unaffected by subsequent mutations.


var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }

Instance Methods

func <(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than that of the second argument.

This function is the only requirement of the Comparable protocol. The remainder of the relational operator functions are implemented by the standard library for any type that conforms to Comparable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


func <(lhs: String.Index, rhs: String.Index) -> Bool
func ==(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.

Equality is the inverse of inequality. For any values a and b, a == b implies that a != b is false.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


func ==(lhs: String.Index, rhs: String.Index) -> Bool
func samePosition(in: String.UTF8View)

Returns the position in the given UTF-8 view that corresponds exactly to this index.

The index must be a valid index of String(utf8).characters.

This example first finds the position of the character "é" and then uses this method find the same position in the string's utf8 view.

let cafe = "Café"
if let i = cafe.characters.index(of: "é") {
    let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe.utf8)
    print(Array(cafe.utf8.suffix(from: j)))
// Prints "[195, 169]"

utf8: The view to use for the index conversion. Returns: The position in utf8 that corresponds exactly to this index.


func samePosition(in utf8: String.UTF8View) -> String.UTF8View.Index
func samePosition(in: String.UTF16View)

Returns the position in the given UTF-16 view that corresponds exactly to this index.

The index must be a valid index of String(utf16).characters.

This example first finds the position of the character "é" and then uses this method find the same position in the string's utf16 view.

let cafe = "Café"
if let i = cafe.characters.index(of: "é") {
    let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe.utf16)
// Prints "233"

utf16: The view to use for the index conversion. Returns: The position in utf16 that corresponds exactly to this index.


func samePosition(in utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
func samePosition(in: String.UnicodeScalarView)

Returns the position in the given view of Unicode scalars that corresponds exactly to this index.

The index must be a valid index of String(unicodeScalars).characters.

This example first finds the position of the character "é" and then uses this method find the same position in the string's unicodeScalars view.

let cafe = "Café"
if let i = cafe.characters.index(of: "é") {
    let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe.unicodeScalars)
// Prints "é"

unicodeScalars: The view to use for the index conversion. Returns: The position in unicodeScalars that corresponds exactly to this index.


func samePosition(in unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index