March 12, 2015

Updated for Swift 1.2b3

Swift 1.2 beta 3 brings some more changes to the standard library.

  • Slice has been rechristened as ArraySlice, likely to signify its relationship with Array and ContiguousArray.

  • A global flatMap function has been added for both optionals and sequences, and flatMap methods have been added to the optional and array types, much to the joy of functional-leaning Swifters everywhere. For sequences and arrays, this provides a way to map each element to an array, with the resulting array of arrays flattened back to an array of their joined elements:

    let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]     
    let expanded = numbers.flatMap { Array(count: $0, repeatedValue: $0) }
    // flatMap flattens the result:
    // [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
    let nested = { Array(count: 0, repeatedValue: $0) }
    // with map, you end up with a nested array:        
    // [[1], [2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4, 4]]

    For optionals, flatMap lets you safely call functions that don’t take an optional value without going through an optional binding:

    let squareRootOfLast = expanded.last.flatMap { sqrt(Double($0)) }
    // Optional(2.0)
  • Swift 1.2 beta 2 saw the addition of a new unsafeUnwrap function, the disappearance of the &/ and &* operators, and the arrival of UnicodeScalar.UTF16View. (I forgot to post the release notes last time. But they were short.)