
@inline(never) func println()

Writes a single newline character into the standard output.


@inline(never) func println()
@inline(never) func println<T>(_: T)

Writes the textual representation of value and a newline character into the standard output.

The textual representation is obtained from the value using its protocol conformances, in the following order of preference: Streamable, Printable, DebugPrintable.

Do not overload this function for your type. Instead, adopt one of the protocols mentioned above.


@inline(never) func println<T>(value: T)
@inline(never) func println<T, TargetStream : OutputStreamType>(_: T, inout: TargetStream)

Writes the textual representation of value and a newline character into the stream target.

The textual representation is obtained from the value using its protocol conformances, in the following order of preference: Streamable, Printable, DebugPrintable.

Do not overload this function for your type. Instead, adopt one of the protocols mentioned above.


@inline(never) func println<T, TargetStream : OutputStreamType>(value: T, inout target: TargetStream)