protocol _Incrementable This protocol is an implementation detail of ForwardIndexType; do not use it directly. Its requirements are inherited by ForwardIndexType and thus must be satisfied by types conforming to that protocol. Inheritance Equatable View Protocol Hierarchy → Import import Swift Instance Methods func ==(_:rhs:) Required Return true if lhs is equal to rhs. Equality implies substitutability. When x == y, x and y are interchangeable in any code that only depends on their values. Class instance identity as distinguished by triple-equals === is notably not part of an instance's value. Exposing other non-value aspects of Equatable types is discouraged, and any that are exposed should be explicitly pointed out in documentation. Equality is an equivalence relation x == x is true x == y implies y == x x == y and y == z implies x == z Inequality is the inverse of equality, i.e. !(x == y) iff x != y Declaration func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool Declared In Equatable func successor() Required Return the next consecutive value in a discrete sequence of Self values Requires: self has a well-defined successor. Declaration func successor() -> Self