protocol _NSDictionaryCoreType A shadow for the "core operations" of NSDictionary. Covers a set of operations everyone needs to implement in order to be a useful NSDictionary subclass. Inheritance _NSCopyingType, _NSFastEnumerationType, _ShadowProtocol View Protocol Hierarchy → Import import Swift Initializers init(objects:forKeys:count:) Required Declaration init(objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>, forKeys: UnsafePointer<Void>, count: Int) Instance Variables var count: Int Required Declaration var count: Int { get } Instance Methods func copyWithZone(_:) Required Declaration func copyWithZone(zone: _SwiftNSZone) -> AnyObject Declared In _NSDictionaryCoreType, _NSCopyingType func countByEnumeratingWithState(_:objects:count:) Required Declaration func countByEnumeratingWithState(state: UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState>, objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>, count: Int) -> Int Declared In _NSDictionaryCoreType, _NSFastEnumerationType func getObjects(_:andKeys:) Required Declaration func getObjects(objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>, andKeys keys: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>) func keyEnumerator() Required Declaration func keyEnumerator() -> _NSEnumeratorType? func objectForKey(_:) Required Declaration func objectForKey(aKey: AnyObject?) -> AnyObject?