enum ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> An optional type that allows implicit member access (via compiler magic). The compiler has special knowledge of the existence of ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>, but always interacts with it using the library intrinsics below. Inheritance NilLiteralConvertible, Printable, Reflectable, _ObjectiveCBridgeable View Protocol Hierarchy → Import import Swift Cases case None case Some(T) Initializers init() Construct a nil instance. Declaration init() init(_: T) Construct a non-nil instance that stores some. Declaration init(_ some: T) init(_: T?) Construct an instance from an explicitly unwrapped optional (T?). Declaration init(_ v: T?) init(nilLiteral:) Create an instance initialized with nil. Declaration init(nilLiteral: ()) Instance Variables var description: String A textual representation of self. Declaration var description: String { get } Instance Methods func flatMap(_:) Returns f(self)! iff self and f(self) are not nil. Declaration func flatMap<U>(f: @noescape (T) -> U!) -> U! func getMirror() Returns a mirror that reflects self. Declaration func getMirror() -> MirrorType func map(_:) If self == nil, returns nil. Otherwise, returns f(self!). Declaration func map<U>(f: @noescape (T) -> U) -> U!