
struct DictionaryIndex<Key : Hashable, Value>

Used to access the key-value pairs in an instance of Dictionary<Key, Value>.

Dictionary has two subscripting interfaces:

  1. Subscripting with a key, yielding an optional value:

    v = d[k]!

  2. Subscripting with an index, yielding a key-value pair:

    (k,v) = d[i]

Inheritance Comparable, Equatable, ForwardIndexType, _Incrementable View Protocol Hierarchy →
Import import Swift

Instance Methods

func advancedBy(_:)

Returns the result of advancing self by n positions.

Returns: - If n > 0, the result of applying successor to self n times. - If n < 0, the result of applying predecessor to self -n times. - Otherwise, self.

Requires: n >= 0 if only conforming to ForwardIndexType Complexity: - O(1) if conforming to RandomAccessIndexType - O(abs(n)) otherwise


func advancedBy(n: DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>.Distance) -> DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>

Declared In

func advancedBy(_:limit:)

Returns the result of advancing self by n positions, or until it equals limit.

Returns: - If n > 0, the result of applying successor to self n times but not past limit. - If n < 0, the result of applying predecessor to self -n times but not past limit. - Otherwise, self.

Requires: n >= 0 if only conforming to ForwardIndexType.

Complexity: - O(1) if conforming to RandomAccessIndexType - O(abs(n)) otherwise


func advancedBy(n: DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>.Distance, limit: DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>) -> DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>

Declared In

func distanceTo(_:)

Measure the distance between self and end.

Requires: - start and end are part of the same sequence when conforming to RandomAccessSequenceType. - end is reachable from self by incrementation otherwise.

Complexity: - O(1) if conforming to RandomAccessIndexType - O(n) otherwise, where n is the function's result.


func distanceTo(end: DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>) -> DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>.Distance

Declared In

func successor()

Returns the next consecutive value after self.

Requires: The next value is representable.


func successor() -> DictionaryIndex<Key, Value>