
func withoutActuallyEscaping<ClosureType, ResultType>(_: ClosureType, do: (ClosureType) throws -> ResultType)

Allows a nonescaping closure to temporarily be used as if it were allowed to escape.

This is useful when you need to pass a closure to an API that can't statically guarantee the closure won't escape when used in a way that won't allow it to escape in practice, such as in a lazy collection view:

func allValues(in array: [Int], matchPredicate: (Int) -> Bool) -> Bool { // Error because `lazy.filter` may escape the closure if the `lazy` // collection is persisted; however, in this case, we discard the // lazy collection immediately before returning. return array.lazy.filter { !matchPredicate($0) }.isEmpty }

or with async:

func perform(_ f: () -> Void, simultaneouslyWith g: () -> Void, on queue: DispatchQueue) { // Error: `async` normally escapes the closure, but in this case // we explicitly barrier before the closure would escape queue.async(f) queue.async(g) queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {} }

withoutActuallyEscaping provides a temporarily-escapable copy of the closure that can be used in these situations:

` func allValues(in array: [Int], matchPredicate: (Int) -> Bool) -> Bool { return withoutActuallyEscaping(matchPredicate) { escapablePredicate in array.lazy.filter { !escapableMatchPredicate($0) }.isEmpty } }

func perform(_ f: () -> Void, simultaneouslyWith g: () -> Void, on queue: DispatchQueue) { withoutActuallyEscaping(f) { escapableF in withoutActuallyEscaping(g) { escapableG in queue.async(escapableF) queue.async(escapableG) queue.sync(flags: .barrier) {} } } } `

closure: A non-escaping closure value that will be made escapable for the duration of the execution of the do block.

do: A code block that will be immediately executed, receiving an escapable copy of closure as an argument. Returns: the forwarded return value from the do block. Remark: It is undefined behavior for the escapable closure to be stored, referenced, or executed after withoutActuallyEscaping returns. A future version of Swift will introduce a dynamic check to trap if the escapable closure is still referenced at the point withoutActuallyEscaping returns.


func withoutActuallyEscaping<ClosureType, ResultType>(_ closure: ClosureType, do: (ClosureType) throws -> ResultType) rethrows -> ResultType