operator <= { associativity precedence } Declarations func <=(_: Int, rhs: Int) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Bool func <=(_: Int8, rhs: Int8) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: Int8, rhs: Int8) -> Bool func <=(_: Int16, rhs: Int16) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: Int16, rhs: Int16) -> Bool func <=(_: Int32, rhs: Int32) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: Int32, rhs: Int32) -> Bool func <=(_: Int64, rhs: Int64) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: Int64, rhs: Int64) -> Bool func <=(_: UInt, rhs: UInt) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: UInt, rhs: UInt) -> Bool func <=(_: UInt8, rhs: UInt8) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: UInt8, rhs: UInt8) -> Bool func <=(_: UInt16, rhs: UInt16) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: UInt16, rhs: UInt16) -> Bool func <=(_: UInt32, rhs: UInt32) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: UInt32, rhs: UInt32) -> Bool func <=(_: UInt64, rhs: UInt64) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument. See Also: Equatable, Comparable Declaration func <=(lhs: UInt64, rhs: UInt64) -> Bool func <= <A, B where A : Comparable, B : Comparable>(_: (A, B), rhs: (A, B)) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first tuple is ordered before or the same as the second in a lexicographical ordering. Given two tuples (a1, a2, ..., aN) and (b1, b2, ..., bN), the first tuple is before or the same as the second tuple if and only if a1 < b1 or (a1 == b1 and (a2, ..., aN) <= (b2, ..., bN)). Parameters: lhs: A tuple of Comparable elements. rhs: Another tuple of elements of the same type as lhs. Declaration func <=<A, B where A : Comparable, B : Comparable>(lhs: (A, B), rhs: (A, B)) -> Bool func <= <A, B, C where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable>(_: (A, B, C), rhs: (A, B, C)) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first tuple is ordered before or the same as the second in a lexicographical ordering. Given two tuples (a1, a2, ..., aN) and (b1, b2, ..., bN), the first tuple is before or the same as the second tuple if and only if a1 < b1 or (a1 == b1 and (a2, ..., aN) <= (b2, ..., bN)). Parameters: lhs: A tuple of Comparable elements. rhs: Another tuple of elements of the same type as lhs. Declaration func <=<A, B, C where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable>(lhs: (A, B, C), rhs: (A, B, C)) -> Bool func <= <A, B, C, D where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable>(_: (A, B, C, D), rhs: (A, B, C, D)) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first tuple is ordered before or the same as the second in a lexicographical ordering. Given two tuples (a1, a2, ..., aN) and (b1, b2, ..., bN), the first tuple is before or the same as the second tuple if and only if a1 < b1 or (a1 == b1 and (a2, ..., aN) <= (b2, ..., bN)). Parameters: lhs: A tuple of Comparable elements. rhs: Another tuple of elements of the same type as lhs. Declaration func <=<A, B, C, D where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable>(lhs: (A, B, C, D), rhs: (A, B, C, D)) -> Bool func <= <A, B, C, D, E where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable, E : Comparable>(_: (A, B, C, D, E), rhs: (A, B, C, D, E)) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first tuple is ordered before or the same as the second in a lexicographical ordering. Given two tuples (a1, a2, ..., aN) and (b1, b2, ..., bN), the first tuple is before or the same as the second tuple if and only if a1 < b1 or (a1 == b1 and (a2, ..., aN) <= (b2, ..., bN)). Parameters: lhs: A tuple of Comparable elements. rhs: Another tuple of elements of the same type as lhs. Declaration func <=<A, B, C, D, E where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable, E : Comparable>(lhs: (A, B, C, D, E), rhs: (A, B, C, D, E)) -> Bool func <= <A, B, C, D, E, F where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable, E : Comparable, F : Comparable>(_: (A, B, C, D, E, F), rhs: (A, B, C, D, E, F)) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first tuple is ordered before or the same as the second in a lexicographical ordering. Given two tuples (a1, a2, ..., aN) and (b1, b2, ..., bN), the first tuple is before or the same as the second tuple if and only if a1 < b1 or (a1 == b1 and (a2, ..., aN) <= (b2, ..., bN)). Parameters: lhs: A tuple of Comparable elements. rhs: Another tuple of elements of the same type as lhs. Declaration func <=<A, B, C, D, E, F where A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable, E : Comparable, F : Comparable>(lhs: (A, B, C, D, E, F), rhs: (A, B, C, D, E, F)) -> Bool func <= <T where T : _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, T.RawValue : Comparable>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func <=<T where T : _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, T.RawValue : Comparable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool func <= <T where T : BinaryInteger>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func <=<T where T : BinaryInteger>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool func <= <T where T : Comparable>(_: T, rhs: T) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than or equal to that of the second argument. This is the default implementation of the less-than-or-equal-to operator (<=) for any type that conforms to Comparable. Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare. Declaration func <=<T where T : Comparable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool func <= <T where T : FloatingPoint>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func <=<T where T : FloatingPoint>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool func <= <T, U where T : BinaryInteger, U : BinaryInteger>(_: T, rhs: U) Declaration func <=<T, U where T : BinaryInteger, U : BinaryInteger>(lhs: T, rhs: U) -> Bool