operator - { associativity left precedence } Declarations func -(_: Double, rhs: Double) Declaration func -(lhs: Double, rhs: Double) -> Double func -(_: Float, rhs: Float) Declaration func -(lhs: Float, rhs: Float) -> Float func -(_: Float80, rhs: Float80) Declaration func -(lhs: Float80, rhs: Float80) -> Float80 func -(_: Int, rhs: Int) Declaration func -(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int func -(_: Int8, rhs: Int8) Declaration func -(lhs: Int8, rhs: Int8) -> Int8 func -(_: Int16, rhs: Int16) Declaration func -(lhs: Int16, rhs: Int16) -> Int16 func -(_: Int32, rhs: Int32) Declaration func -(lhs: Int32, rhs: Int32) -> Int32 func -(_: Int64, rhs: Int64) Declaration func -(lhs: Int64, rhs: Int64) -> Int64 func -(_: UInt, rhs: UInt) Declaration func -(lhs: UInt, rhs: UInt) -> UInt func -(_: UInt8, rhs: UInt8) Declaration func -(lhs: UInt8, rhs: UInt8) -> UInt8 func -(_: UInt16, rhs: UInt16) Declaration func -(lhs: UInt16, rhs: UInt16) -> UInt16 func -(_: UInt32, rhs: UInt32) Declaration func -(lhs: UInt32, rhs: UInt32) -> UInt32 func -(_: UInt64, rhs: UInt64) Declaration func -(lhs: UInt64, rhs: UInt64) -> UInt64 func - <T where T : _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func -<T where T : _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T._DisallowMixedSignArithmetic func - <T where T : _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic>(_: T, rhs: T._DisallowMixedSignArithmetic) Declaration func -<T where T : _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic>(lhs: T, rhs: T._DisallowMixedSignArithmetic) -> T func - <T where T : _IntegerArithmetic>(_: T, rhs: T) Subtracts lhs and rhs, returning the result and trapping in case of arithmetic overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds). Declaration func -<T where T : _IntegerArithmetic>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T func - <T where T : Arithmetic>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func -<T where T : Arithmetic>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T func - <T where T : FloatingPoint>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func -<T where T : FloatingPoint>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T func - <T where T : SignedInteger>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func -<T where T : SignedInteger>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T.Stride func - <T where T : SignedInteger>(_: T, rhs: T.Stride) Declaration func -<T where T : SignedInteger>(lhs: T, rhs: T.Stride) -> T func - <T where T : Strideable>(_: T, rhs: T) Declaration func -<T where T : Strideable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T.Stride func - <T where T : Strideable>(_: T, rhs: T.Stride) Declaration func -<T where T : Strideable>(lhs: T, rhs: T.Stride) -> T