
protocol SignedNumeric

A type that can represent both positive and negative values.

The SignedNumeric protocol extends the operations defined by the Numeric protocol to include a value's additive inverse.

Conforming to the SignedNumeric Protocol

Because the SignedNumeric protocol provides default implementations of both of its required methods, you don't need to do anything beyond declaring conformance to the protocol and ensuring that the values of your type support negation. To customize your type's implementation, provide your own mutating negate() method.

Inheritance Equatable, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Numeric View Protocol Hierarchy →
Associated Types
IntegerLiteralType : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral

A type that represents an integer literal.

The standard library integer and floating-point types are all valid types for IntegerLiteralType.

Magnitude : Comparable, Numeric

A type that can represent the absolute value of any possible value of the conforming type.

Import import Swift



Creates an instance initialized to the specified integer value.

Do not call this initializer directly. Instead, initialize a variable or constant using an integer literal. For example:

let x = 23

In this example, the assignment to the x constant calls this integer literal initializer behind the scenes.

value: The value to create.


init(integerLiteral value: Self.IntegerLiteralType)

Declared In

init?(exactly:) Required

Creates a new instance from the given integer, if it can be represented exactly.

If the value passed as source is not representable exactly, the result is nil. In the following example, the constant x is successfully created from a value of 100, while the attempt to initialize the constant y from 1_000 fails because the Int8 type can represent 127 at maximum:

let x = Int8(exactly: 100)
// x == Optional(100)
let y = Int8(exactly: 1_000)
// y == nil

source: A value to convert to this type.


init?<T>(exactly source: T)

Declared In


Instance Variables

var magnitude: Self.Magnitude Required

The magnitude of this value.

For any numeric value x, x.magnitude is the absolute value of x. You can use the magnitude property in operations that are simpler to implement in terms of unsigned values, such as printing the value of an integer, which is just printing a '-' character in front of an absolute value.

let x = -200
// x.magnitude == 200

The global abs(_:) function provides more familiar syntax when you need to find an absolute value. In addition, because abs(_:) always returns a value of the same type, even in a generic context, using the function instead of the magnitude property is encouraged.


var magnitude: Self.Magnitude { get }

Declared In


Instance Methods

func *(_:rhs:) Required

Multiplies two values and produces their product.

The multiplication operator (*) calculates the product of its two arguments. For example:

2 * 3                   // 6
100 * 21                // 2100
-10 * 15                // -150
3.5 * 2.25              // 7.875

You cannot use * with arguments of different types. To multiply values of different types, convert one of the values to the other value's type.

let x: Int8 = 21
let y: Int = 1000000
Int(x) * y              // 21000000

Parameters: lhs: The first value to multiply. rhs: The second value to multiply.


func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self

Declared In

func *=(_:rhs:) Required

Multiplies two values and stores the result in the left-hand-side variable.

Parameters: lhs: The first value to multiply. rhs: The second value to multiply.


func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)

Declared In

func +(_:rhs:) Required

Adds two values and produces their sum.

The addition operator (+) calculates the sum of its two arguments. For example:

1 + 2                   // 3
-10 + 15                // 5
-15 + -5                // -20
21.5 + 3.25             // 24.75

You cannot use + with arguments of different types. To add values of different types, convert one of the values to the other value's type.

let x: Int8 = 21
let y: Int = 1000000
Int(x) + y              // 1000021

Parameters: lhs: The first value to add. rhs: The second value to add.


func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self

Declared In

func +=(_:rhs:) Required

Adds two values and stores the result in the left-hand-side variable.

Parameters: lhs: The first value to add. rhs: The second value to add.


func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)

Declared In

func ==(_:rhs:) Required

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.

Equality is the inverse of inequality. For any values a and b, a == b implies that a != b is false.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

prefix func -(_:)

Returns the additive inverse of the specified value.

The negation operator (prefix -) returns the additive inverse of its argument.

let x = 21
let y = -x
// y == -21

The resulting value must be representable in the same type as the argument. In particular, negating a signed, fixed-width integer type's minimum results in a value that cannot be represented.

let z = -Int8.min
// Overflow error

Returns: The additive inverse of this value.


prefix func -(operand: Self) -> Self
func -(_:rhs:) Required

Subtracts one value from another and produces their difference.

The subtraction operator (-) calculates the difference of its two arguments. For example:

8 - 3                   // 5
-10 - 5                 // -15
100 - -5                // 105
10.5 - 100.0            // -89.5

You cannot use - with arguments of different types. To subtract values of different types, convert one of the values to the other value's type.

let x: UInt8 = 21
let y: UInt = 1000000
y - UInt(x)             // 999979

Parameters: lhs: A numeric value. rhs: The value to subtract from lhs.


func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self

Declared In

func -=(_:rhs:) Required

Subtracts the second value from the first and stores the difference in the left-hand-side variable.

Parameters: lhs: A numeric value. rhs: The value to subtract from lhs.


func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)

Declared In

mutating func negate()

Replaces this value with its additive inverse.

The following example uses the negate() method to negate the value of an integer x:

var x = 21
// x == -21


mutating func negate()

Default Implementations


Creates an instance initialized to the specified integer value.

Do not call this initializer directly. Instead, initialize a variable or constant using an integer literal. For example:

let x = 23

In this example, the assignment to the x constant calls this integer literal initializer behind the scenes.

value: The value to create.


init(integerLiteral value: Self)

Declared In

Numeric , ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
func !=(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.

Inequality is the inverse of equality. For any values a and b, a != b implies that a == b is false.

This is the default implementation of the not-equal-to operator (!=) for any type that conforms to Equatable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

Numeric, Equatable
prefix func +(_:)

Returns the given number unchanged.

You can use the unary plus operator (+) to provide symmetry in your code for positive numbers when also using the unary minus operator.

let x = -21
let y = +21
// x == -21
// y == 21

Returns: The given argument without any changes.


prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self

Declared In

prefix func -(_:)

Returns the additive inverse of the specified value.

The negation operator (prefix -) returns the additive inverse of its argument.

let x = 21
let y = -x
// y == -21

The resulting value must be representable in the same type as the argument. In particular, negating a signed, fixed-width integer type's minimum results in a value that cannot be represented.

let z = -Int8.min
// Overflow error

Returns: The additive inverse of the argument.


prefix func -(operand: Self) -> Self
mutating func negate()

Replaces this value with its additive inverse.

The following example uses the negate() method to negate the value of an integer x:

var x = 21
// x == -21


mutating func negate()