
A type representing continuous, one-dimensional values that can be offset and measured.

You can use a type that conforms to the Strideable protocol with the stride(from:to:by:) and stride(from:through:by:) functions. For example, you can use stride(from:to:by:) to iterate over an interval of floating-point values:

  • for radians in stride(from: 0.0, to: .pi * 2, by: .pi / 2) {
  •     let degrees = Int(radians * 180 / .pi)
  •     print("Degrees: \(degrees), radians: \(radians)")
  • }
  • // Degrees: 0, radians: 0.0
  • // Degrees: 90, radians: 1.5707963267949
  • // Degrees: 180, radians: 3.14159265358979
  • // Degrees: 270, radians: 4.71238898038469

The last parameter of these functions is of the associated Stride type---the type that represents the distance between any two instances of the Strideable type.

Types that have an integer Stride can be used as the boundaries of a countable range or as the lower bound of an iterable one-sided range. For example, you can iterate over a range of Int and use sequence and collection methods.

  • var sum = 0
  • for x in 1...100 {
  •     sum += x
  • }
  • // sum == 5050
  • let digits = (0..<10).map(String.init)
  • // ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]

Conforming to the Strideable Protocol

To add Strideable conformance to a custom type, choose a Stride type that can represent the distance between two instances and implement the advanced(by:) and distance(to:) methods. For example, this hypothetical Date type stores its value as the number of days before or after January 1, 2000:

The Stride type for Date is Int, inferred from the parameter and return types of advanced(by:) and distance(to:):

  • extension Date: Strideable {
  •     func advanced(by n: Int) -> Date {
  •         var result = self
  •         result.daysAfterY2K += n
  •         return result
  •     }
  •     func distance(to other: Date) -> Int {
  •         return other.daysAfterY2K - self.daysAfterY2K
  •     }
  • }

The Date type can now be used with the stride(from:to:by:) and stride(from:through:by:) functions and as the bounds of an iterable range.

  • let startDate = Date(daysAfterY2K: 0)   // January 1, 2000
  • let endDate = Date(daysAfterY2K: 15)    // January 16, 2000
  • for date in stride(from: startDate, to: endDate, by: 7) {
  •     print(date)
  • }
  • // January 1, 2000
  • // January 8, 2000
  • // January 15, 2000

Important: The Strideable protocol provides default implementations for the equal-to (==) and less-than (<) operators that depend on the Stride type's implementations. If a type conforming to Strideable is its own Stride type, it must provide concrete implementations of the two operators to avoid infinite recursion.

Inheritance Comparable, Equatable View Protocol Hierarchy →
Associated Types

A type that represents the distance between two values.

  • import Swift

Instance Methods

func <(_:rhs:) Required

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than that of the second argument.

This function is the only requirement of the Comparable protocol. The remainder of the relational operator functions are implemented by the standard library for any type that conforms to Comparable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func <=(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than or equal to that of the second argument.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func ==(_:rhs:) Required

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.

Equality is the inverse of inequality. For any values a and b, a == b implies that a != b is false.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func >(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than that of the second argument.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func >=(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than or equal to that of the second argument.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func advanced(by:) Required

Returns a value that is offset the specified distance from this value.

Use the advanced(by:) method in generic code to offset a value by a specified distance. If you're working directly with numeric values, use the addition operator (+) instead of this method.

  • func addOne<T: Strideable>(to x: T) -> T
  •     where T.Stride : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
  • {
  •     return x.advanced(by: 1)
  • }
  • let x = addOne(to: 5)
  • // x == 6
  • let y = addOne(to: 3.5)
  • // y = 4.5

If this type's Stride type conforms to BinaryInteger, then for a value x, a distance n, and a value y = x.advanced(by: n), x.distance(to: y) == n. Using this method with types that have a noninteger Stride may result in an approximation.

n: The distance to advance this value. Returns: A value that is offset from this value by n.

Complexity: O(1)


  • func advanced(by n: Self.Stride) -> Self
func distance(to:) Required

Returns the distance from this value to the given value, expressed as a stride.

If this type's Stride type conforms to BinaryInteger, then for two values x and y, and a distance n = x.distance(to: y), x.advanced(by: n) == y. Using this method with types that have a noninteger Stride may result in an approximation.

other: The value to calculate the distance to. Returns: The distance from this value to other.

Complexity: O(1)


  • func distance(to other: Self) -> Self.Stride

5 inherited items hidden. (Show all)

Default Implementations

func !=(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.

Inequality is the inverse of equality. For any values a and b, a != b implies that a == b is false.

This is the default implementation of the not-equal-to operator (!=) for any type that conforms to Equatable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

Comparable, Equatable
func +(_: Self, rhs: Self.Stride)


  • func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self.Stride) -> Self
func +(_: Self.Stride, rhs: Self)


  • func +(lhs: Self.Stride, rhs: Self) -> Self
func +=(_:rhs:)


  • func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self.Stride)
prefix func ...(_: Self)

Returns a partial range up to, and including, its upper bound.

Use the prefix closed range operator (prefix ...) to create a partial range of any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol. This example creates a PartialRangeThrough<Double> instance that includes any value less than or equal to 5.0.

  • let throughFive = ...5.0
  • throughFive.contains(4.0)     // true
  • throughFive.contains(5.0)     // true
  • throughFive.contains(6.0)     // false

You can use this type of partial range of a collection's indices to represent the range from the start of the collection up to, and including, the partial range's upper bound.

  • let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
  • print(numbers[...3])
  • // Prints "[10, 20, 30, 40]"

maximum: The upper bound for the range.


Declared In

func ...(_:maximum:)

Returns a closed range that contains both of its bounds.

Use the closed range operator (...) to create a closed range of any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol. This example creates a ClosedRange<Character> from "a" up to, and including, "z".

  • let lowercase = "a"..."z"
  • print(lowercase.contains("z"))
  • // Prints "true"

Parameters: minimum: The lower bound for the range. maximum: The upper bound for the range.


  • func ...(minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> ClosedRange<Self>

Declared In

prefix func ..<(_:)

Returns a partial range up to, but not including, its upper bound.

Use the prefix half-open range operator (prefix ..<) to create a partial range of any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol. This example creates a PartialRangeUpTo<Double> instance that includes any value less than 5.0.

  • let upToFive = ..<5.0
  • upToFive.contains(3.14)       // true
  • upToFive.contains(6.28)       // false
  • upToFive.contains(5.0)        // false

You can use this type of partial range of a collection's indices to represent the range from the start of the collection up to, but not including, the partial range's upper bound.

  • let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
  • print(numbers[..<3])
  • // Prints "[10, 20, 30]"

maximum: The upper bound for the range.


Declared In

func ..<(_:maximum:)

Returns a half-open range that contains its lower bound but not its upper bound.

Use the half-open range operator (..<) to create a range of any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol. This example creates a Range<Double> from zero up to, but not including, 5.0.

  • let lessThanFive = 0.0..<5.0
  • print(lessThanFive.contains(3.14))  // Prints "true"
  • print(lessThanFive.contains(5.0))   // Prints "false"

Parameters: minimum: The lower bound for the range. maximum: The upper bound for the range.


  • func ..<(minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> Range<Self>

Declared In

func <(_:y:)


  • func <(x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
func <=(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than or equal to that of the second argument.

This is the default implementation of the less-than-or-equal-to operator (<=) for any type that conforms to Comparable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func ==(_:y:)


  • func ==(x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
func >(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than that of the second argument.

This is the default implementation of the greater-than operator (>) for any type that conforms to Comparable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare.


  • func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func >=(_:rhs:)

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than or equal to that of the second argument.

This is the default implementation of the greater-than-or-equal-to operator (>=) for any type that conforms to Comparable.

Parameters: lhs: A value to compare. rhs: Another value to compare. Returns: true if lhs is greater than or equal to rhs; otherwise, false.


  • func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Declared In

func -(_: Self, rhs: Self)


  • func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self.Stride
func -(_: Self, rhs: Self.Stride)


  • func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self.Stride) -> Self
func -=(_:rhs:)


  • func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self.Stride)

8 inherited items hidden. (Show all)

Where Stride : SignedInteger

func ...(_:maximum:)

Returns a countable closed range that contains both of its bounds.

Use the closed range operator (...) to create a closed range of any type that conforms to the Strideable protocol with an associated signed integer Stride type, such as any of the standard library's integer types. This example creates a ClosedRange<Int> from zero up to, and including, nine.

  • let singleDigits = 0...9
  • print(singleDigits.contains(9))
  • // Prints "true"

You can use sequence or collection methods on the singleDigits range.

  • print(singleDigits.count)
  • // Prints "10"
  • print(singleDigits.last)
  • // Prints "9"

Parameters:)`. minimum: The lower bound for the range. maximum: The upper bound for the range.


  • func ...(minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> ClosedRange<Self>