enum PlaygroundQuickLook The sum of types that can be used as a Quick Look representation. The PlaygroundQuickLook protocol is deprecated, and will be removed from the standard library in a future Swift release. To customize the logging of your type in a playground, conform to the CustomPlaygroundDisplayConvertible protocol, which does not use the PlaygroundQuickLook enum. If you need to provide a customized playground representation in Swift 4.0 or Swift 3.2 or earlier, use a conditional compilation block: #if swift(>=4.1) || (swift(>=3.3) && !swift(>=4.0)) // With Swift 4.1 and later (including Swift 3.3 and later), use // the CustomPlaygroundDisplayConvertible protocol. #else // With Swift 4.0 and Swift 3.2 and earlier, use PlaygroundQuickLook // and the CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable protocol. #endif Deprecated: PlaygroundQuickLook will be removed in a future Swift version. For customizing how types are presented in playgrounds, use CustomPlaygroundDisplayConvertible instead.. Import import Swift Cases case text(String) Plain text. Declaration case int(Int64) An integer numeric value. Declaration case uInt(UInt64) An unsigned integer numeric value. Declaration case float(Float32) A single precision floating-point numeric value. Declaration case double(Float64) A double precision floating-point numeric value. Declaration case image(Any) An image. Declaration case sound(Any) A sound. Declaration case color(Any) A color. Declaration case bezierPath(Any) A bezier path. Declaration case attributedString(Any) An attributed string. Declaration case rectangle(Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64) A rectangle. Declaration case point(Float64, Float64) A point. Declaration case size(Float64, Float64) A size. Declaration case bool(Bool) A boolean value. Declaration case range(Int64, Int64) A range. Declaration case view(Any) A GUI view. Declaration case sprite(Any) A graphical sprite. Declaration case url(String) A Uniform Resource Locator. Declaration case _raw([UInt8], String) Raw data that has already been encoded in a format the IDE understands. Declaration Initializers init(reflecting:) Creates a new Quick Look for the given instance. If the dynamic type of subject conforms to CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, the result is found by calling its customPlaygroundQuickLook property. Otherwise, the result is synthesized by the language. In some cases, the synthesized result may be .text(String(reflecting: subject)). Note: If the dynamic type of subject has value semantics, subsequent mutations of subject will not observable in the Quick Look. In general, though, the observability of such mutations is unspecified. subject: The instance to represent with the resulting Quick Look. Deprecated: PlaygroundQuickLook will be removed in a future Swift version.. Declaration init(reflecting subject: Any)