protocol BitwiseOperationsType A set type with O(1) standard bitwise operators. Each instance is a subset of ~Self.allZeros Axioms, where x is an instance of Self: x | Self.allZeros == x x ^ Self.allZeros == x x & Self.allZeros == .allZeros x & ~Self.allZeros == x ~x == x ^ ~Self.allZeros Inheritance View Protocol Hierarchy → Import import Swift Static Variables static var allZeros: Self Required The empty bitset. Also the identity element for | and ^, and the fixed point for &. Declaration static var allZeros: Self { get } Instance Methods func &(_:rhs:) Required Returns the intersection of bits set in lhs and rhs. Complexity: O(1) Declaration func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self func ^(_:rhs:) Required Returns the bits that are set in exactly one of lhs and rhs Complexity: O(1) Declaration func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self func |(_:rhs:) Required Returns the union of bits set in lhs and rhs Complexity: O(1) Declaration func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self prefix func ~(_:) Required Returns x ^ ~Self.allZeros Complexity: O(1) Declaration prefix func ~(x: Self) -> Self