
A type that can be the target of text-streaming operations.

You can send the output of the standard library's print(_:to:) and dump(_:to:) functions to an instance of a type that conforms to the TextOutputStream protocol instead of to standard output. Swift's String type conforms to TextOutputStream already, so you can capture the output from print(_:to:) and dump(_:to:) in a string instead of logging it to standard output.

  • var s = ""
  • for n in 1...5 {
  •     print(n, terminator: "", to: &s)
  • }
  • // s == "12345"

Conforming to the TextOutputStream Protocol

To make your custom type conform to the TextOutputStream protocol, implement the required write(_:) method. Functions that use a TextOutputStream target may call write(_:) multiple times per writing operation.

As an example, here's an implementation of an output stream that converts any input to its plain ASCII representation before sending it to standard output.

  • struct ASCIILogger: TextOutputStream {
  •     mutating func write(_ string: String) {
  •         let ascii = string.unicodeScalars.lazy.map { scalar in
  •             scalar == "\n"
  •               ? "\n"
  •               : scalar.escaped(asASCII: true)
  •         }
  •         print(ascii.joined(separator: ""), terminator: "")
  •     }
  • }

The ASCIILogger type's write(_:) method processes its string input by escaping each Unicode scalar, with the exception of "\n" line returns. By sending the output of the print(_:to:) function to an instance of ASCIILogger, you invoke its write(_:) method.

  • let s = "Hearts ♡ and Diamonds ♢"
  • print(s)
  • // Prints "Hearts ♡ and Diamonds ♢"
  • var asciiLogger = ASCIILogger()
  • print(s, to: &asciiLogger)
  • // Prints "Hearts \u{2661} and Diamonds \u{2662}"
Inheritance View Protocol Hierarchy →
  • import Swift

Instance Methods

mutating func write(_:) Required

Appends the given string to the stream.


  • mutating func write(_ string: String)