
A 64-bit signed integer value type.

Inheritance BinaryInteger, CVarArg, Codable, Comparable, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, CustomReflectable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, FixedWidthInteger, Hashable, LosslessStringConvertible, Numeric, SignedInteger, SignedNumeric, Strideable, _BitwiseOperations View Protocol Hierarchy →
Associated Types

A type that represents an integer literal.

A type that can represent the absolute value of any possible value of this type.

Nested Types Int64.Words
  • import Swift



Creates a new value equal to zero.


  • init()

Declared In

init(_: Double)

Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, rounding toward zero.

Any fractional part of the value passed as source is removed, rounding the value toward zero.

  • let x = Int(21.5)
  • // x == 21
  • let y = Int(-21.5)
  • // y == -21

If source is outside the bounds of this type after rounding toward zero, a runtime error may occur.

  • let z = UInt(-21.5)
  • // Error: ...the result would be less than UInt.min

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer. source must be representable in this type after rounding toward zero.


init(_: Float)

Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, rounding toward zero.

Any fractional part of the value passed as source is removed, rounding the value toward zero.

  • let x = Int(21.5)
  • // x == 21
  • let y = Int(-21.5)
  • // y == -21

If source is outside the bounds of this type after rounding toward zero, a runtime error may occur.

  • let z = UInt(-21.5)
  • // Error: ...the result would be less than UInt.min

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer. source must be representable in this type after rounding toward zero.


init(_: Float80)

Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, rounding toward zero.

Any fractional part of the value passed as source is removed, rounding the value toward zero.

  • let x = Int(21.5)
  • // x == 21
  • let y = Int(-21.5)
  • // y == -21

If source is outside the bounds of this type after rounding toward zero, a runtime error may occur.

  • let z = UInt(-21.5)
  • // Error: ...the result would be less than UInt.min

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer. source must be representable in this type after rounding toward zero.



Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, rounding toward zero. Any fractional part of the value passed as source is removed.

  • let x = Int(21.5)
  • // x == 21
  • let y = Int(-21.5)
  • // y == -21

If source is outside the bounds of this type after rounding toward zero, a runtime error may occur.

  • let z = UInt(-21.5)
  • // Error: ...outside the representable range

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer. source must be representable in this type after rounding toward zero.


  • init<T>(_ source: T)

Declared In

FixedWidthInteger , SignedInteger

Creates an integer from its big-endian representation, changing the byte order if necessary.

value: A value to use as the big-endian representation of the new integer.


  • init(bigEndian value: Int64)

Declared In


Creates a new instance with the same memory representation as the given value.

This initializer does not perform any range or overflow checking. The resulting instance may not have the same numeric value as bitPattern---it is only guaranteed to use the same pattern of bits in its binary representation.

x: A value to use as the source of the new instance's binary representation.



Creates a new instance with the representable value that's closest to the given integer.

If the value passed as source is greater than the maximum representable value in this type, the result is the type's max value. If source is less than the smallest representable value in this type, the result is the type's min value.

In this example, x is initialized as an Int8 instance by clamping 500 to the range -128...127, and y is initialized as a UInt instance by clamping -500 to the range 0...UInt.max.

  • let x = Int8(clamping: 500)
  • // x == 127
  • // x == Int8.max
  • let y = UInt(clamping: -500)
  • // y == 0

source: An integer to convert to this type.


  • init<Other>(clamping source: Other)

Declared In


Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder.

This initializer throws an error if reading from the decoder fails, or if the data read is corrupted or otherwise invalid.

decoder: The decoder to read data from.



Creates an instance initialized to the specified integer value.

Do not call this initializer directly. Instead, initialize a variable or constant using an integer literal. For example:

  • let x = 23

In this example, the assignment to the x constant calls this integer literal initializer behind the scenes.

value: The value to create.


  • init(integerLiteral value: Int64)

Declared In


Creates an integer from its little-endian representation, changing the byte order if necessary.

value: A value to use as the little-endian representation of the new integer.


  • init(littleEndian value: Int64)

Declared In


Creates a new instance from the bit pattern of the given instance by truncating or sign-extending if needed to fit this type.

When the bit width of T (the type of source) is equal to or greater than this type's bit width, the result is the truncated least-significant bits of source. For example, when converting a 16-bit value to an 8-bit type, only the lower 8 bits of source are used.

  • let p: Int16 = -500
  • // 'p' has a binary representation of 11111110_00001100
  • let q = Int8(truncatingIfNeeded: p)
  • // q == 12
  • // 'q' has a binary representation of 00001100

When the bit width of T is less than this type's bit width, the result is sign-extended to fill the remaining bits. That is, if source is negative, the result is padded with ones; otherwise, the result is padded with zeros.

  • let u: Int8 = 21
  • // 'u' has a binary representation of 00010101
  • let v = Int16(truncatingIfNeeded: u)
  • // v == 21
  • // 'v' has a binary representation of 00000000_00010101
  • let w: Int8 = -21
  • // 'w' has a binary representation of 11101011
  • let x = Int16(truncatingIfNeeded: w)
  • // x == -21
  • // 'x' has a binary representation of 11111111_11101011
  • let y = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: w)
  • // y == 65515
  • // 'y' has a binary representation of 11111111_11101011

source: An integer to convert to this type.


  • init<T>(truncatingIfNeeded source: T)

Declared In


Creates a new integer value from the given string and radix.

The string passed as text may begin with a plus or minus sign character (+ or -), followed by one or more numeric digits (0-9) or letters (a-z or A-Z). Parsing of the string is case insensitive.

  • let x = Int("123")
  • // x == 123
  • let y = Int("-123", radix: 8)
  • // y == -83
  • let y = Int("+123", radix: 8)
  • // y == +83
  • let z = Int("07b", radix: 16)
  • // z == 123

If text is in an invalid format or contains characters that are out of bounds for the given radix, or if the value it denotes in the given radix is not representable, the result is nil. For example, the following conversions result in nil:

  • Int(" 100")                       // Includes whitespace
  • Int("21-50")                      // Invalid format
  • Int("ff6600")                     // Characters out of bounds
  • Int("zzzzzzzzzzzzz", radix: 36)   // Out of range

Parameters: text: The ASCII representation of a number in the radix passed as radix. radix: The radix, or base, to use for converting text to an integer value. radix must be in the range 2...36. The default is 10.


  • init?<S>(_ text: S, radix: Int = default)

Declared In

init?(exactly: Double)

Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, if it can be represented exactly.

If the value passed as source is not representable exactly, the result is nil. In the following example, the constant x is successfully created from a value of 21.0, while the attempt to initialize the constant y from 21.5 fails:

  • let x = Int(exactly: 21.0)
  • // x == Optional(21)
  • let y = Int(exactly: 21.5)
  • // y == nil

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer.


init?(exactly: Float)

Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, if it can be represented exactly.

If the value passed as source is not representable exactly, the result is nil. In the following example, the constant x is successfully created from a value of 21.0, while the attempt to initialize the constant y from 21.5 fails:

  • let x = Int(exactly: 21.0)
  • // x == Optional(21)
  • let y = Int(exactly: 21.5)
  • // y == nil

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer.


  • init?(exactly source: Float)
init?(exactly: Float80)

Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, if it can be represented exactly.

If the value passed as source is not representable exactly, the result is nil. In the following example, the constant x is successfully created from a value of 21.0, while the attempt to initialize the constant y from 21.5 fails:

  • let x = Int(exactly: 21.0)
  • // x == Optional(21)
  • let y = Int(exactly: 21.5)
  • // y == nil

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer.



Creates an integer from the given floating-point value, if it can be represented exactly.

If the value passed as source is not representable exactly, the result is nil. In the following example, the constant x is successfully created from a value of 21.0, while the attempt to initialize the constant y from 21.5 fails:

  • let x = Int(exactly: 21.0)
  • // x == Optional(21)
  • let y = Int(exactly: 21.5)
  • // y == nil

source: A floating-point value to convert to an integer.


  • init?<T>(exactly source: T)

Declared In

FixedWidthInteger , SignedInteger

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Static Variables

static var bitWidth: Int

The number of bits used for the underlying binary representation of values of this type.

The bit width of a Int64 instance is 64.


  • static var bitWidth: Int { get }
static var isSigned: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether this type is a signed integer type.

This property is always true for signed integer types.


  • static var isSigned: Bool { get }

Declared In

static var max: Int64

The maximum representable integer in this type.

For signed integer types, this value is (2 ** (bitWidth - 1)) - 1, where ** is exponentiation.


  • static var max: Int64 { get }

Declared In

static var min: Int64

The minimum representable integer in this type.

For signed integer types, this value is -(2 ** (bitWidth - 1)), where ** is exponentiation.


  • static var min: Int64 { get }

Declared In


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Instance Variables

var bigEndian: Int64

The big-endian representation of this integer.

If necessary, the byte order of this value is reversed from the typical byte order of this integer type. On a big-endian platform, for any integer x, x == x.bigEndian.


  • var bigEndian: Int64 { get }

Declared In

var byteSwapped: Int64

A representation of this integer with the byte order swapped.


  • var byteSwapped: Int64 { get }
var customMirror: Mirror

A mirror that reflects the Int64 instance.


  • var customMirror: Mirror { get }
var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook

A custom playground Quick Look for the Int64 instance.

Deprecated: Int64.customPlaygroundQuickLook will be removed in a future Swift version.


var description: String

A textual representation of this value.


  • var description: String { get }

Declared In

var hashValue: Int

The integer's hash value.

The hash value is not guaranteed to be stable across different invocations of the same program. Do not persist the hash value across program runs.


  • var hashValue: Int { get }
var leadingZeroBitCount: Int

The number of leading zeros in this value's binary representation.

For example, in an integer type with a bitWidth value of 8, the number 31 has three leading zeros.

  • let x: Int8 = 0b0001_1111
  • // x == 31
  • // x.leadingZeroBitCount == 3


  • var leadingZeroBitCount: Int { get }
var littleEndian: Int64

The little-endian representation of this integer.

If necessary, the byte order of this value is reversed from the typical byte order of this integer type. On a little-endian platform, for any integer x, x == x.littleEndian.


  • var littleEndian: Int64 { get }

Declared In

var magnitude: UInt64

The magnitude of this value.

For any numeric value x, x.magnitude is the absolute value of x. You can use the magnitude property in operations that are simpler to implement in terms of unsigned values, such as printing the value of an integer, which is just printing a '-' character in front of an absolute value.

  • let x = -200
  • // x.magnitude == 200

The global abs(_:) function provides more familiar syntax when you need to find an absolute value. In addition, because abs(_:) always returns a value of the same type, even in a generic context, using the function instead of the magnitude property is encouraged.


var nonzeroBitCount: Int

The number of bits equal to 1 in this value's binary representation.

For example, in a fixed-width integer type with a bitWidth value of 8, the number 31 has five bits equal to 1.

  • let x: Int8 = 0b0001_1111
  • // x == 31
  • // x.nonzeroBitCount == 5


  • var nonzeroBitCount: Int { get }
var trailingZeroBitCount: Int

The number of trailing zeros in this value's binary representation.

For example, the number -8 has three trailing zeros.

  • let x = Int8(bitPattern: 0b1111_1000)
  • // x == -8
  • // x.trailingZeroBitCount == 3


  • var trailingZeroBitCount: Int { get }
var words: Int64.Words

A collection containing the words of this value's binary representation, in order from the least significant to most significant.

Negative values are returned in two's complement representation, regardless of the type's underlying implementation.


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Instance Methods

func addingReportingOverflow(_:)

Returns the sum of this value and the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.

rhs: The value to add to this value. Returns: A tuple containing the result of the addition along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred. If the overflow component is false, the partialValue component contains the entire sum. If the overflow component is true, an overflow occurred and the partialValue component contains the truncated sum of this value and rhs.


  • func addingReportingOverflow(_ other: Int64) -> (partialValue: Int64, overflow: Bool)
func advanced(by:)

Returns a value that is offset the specified distance from this value.

Use the advanced(by:) method in generic code to offset a value by a specified distance. If you're working directly with numeric values, use the addition operator (+) instead of this method.

For a value x, a distance n, and a value y = x.advanced(by: n), x.distance(to: y) == n.

n: The distance to advance this value. Returns: A value that is offset from this value by n.


Declared In

func distance(to:)

Returns the distance from this value to the given value, expressed as a stride.

For two values x and y, and a distance n = x.distance(to: y), x.advanced(by: n) == y.

other: The value to calculate the distance to. Returns: The distance from this value to other.


Declared In

func dividedReportingOverflow(by:)

Returns the quotient obtained by dividing this value by the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.

Dividing by zero is not an error when using this method. For a value x, the result of x.dividedReportingOverflow(by: 0) is (x, true).

rhs: The value to divide this value by. Returns: A tuple containing the result of the division along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred. If the overflow component is false, the partialValue component contains the entire quotient. If the overflow component is true, an overflow occurred and the partialValue component contains either the truncated quotient or, if the quotient is undefined, the dividend.


  • func dividedReportingOverflow(by other: Int64) -> (partialValue: Int64, overflow: Bool)
func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Int64,:)

Returns a tuple containing the quotient and remainder of dividing the given value by this value.

The resulting quotient must be representable within the bounds of the type. If the quotient of dividing dividend by this value is too large to represent in the type, a runtime error may occur.

dividend: A tuple containing the high and low parts of a double-width integer. The high component of the value carries the sign, if the type is signed. Returns: A tuple containing the quotient and remainder of dividend divided by this value.


  • func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Int64, low: Int64.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Int64, remainder: Int64)
func encode(to:)

Encodes this value into the given encoder.

This function throws an error if any values are invalid for the given encoder's format.

encoder: The encoder to write data to.


  • func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
func hash(into:)

Hashes the essential components of this value by feeding them into the given hasher.

hasher: The hasher to use when combining the components of this instance.


  • func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
func multipliedFullWidth(by:)

Returns a tuple containing the high and low parts of the result of multiplying this value by the given value.

Use this method to calculate the full result of a product that would otherwise overflow. Unlike traditional truncating multiplication, the multipliedFullWidth(by:) method returns a tuple containing both the high and low parts of the product of this value and other. The following example uses this method to multiply two UInt8 values that normally overflow when multiplied:

  • let x: UInt8 = 100
  • let y: UInt8 = 20
  • let result = x.multipliedFullWidth(by: y)
  • // result.high == 0b00000111
  • // result.low  == 0b11010000

The product of x and y is 2000, which is too large to represent in a UInt8 instance. The high and low properties of the result value represent 2000 when concatenated to form a double-width integer; that is, using result.high as the high byte and result.low as the low byte of a UInt16 instance.

  • let z = UInt16(result.high) << 8 | UInt16(result.low)
  • // z == 2000

other: The value to multiply this value by. Returns: A tuple containing the high and low parts of the result of multiplying this value and other.


  • func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Int64) -> (high: Int64, low: Int64.Magnitude)
func multipliedReportingOverflow(by:)

Returns the product of this value and the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.

rhs: The value to multiply by this value. Returns: A tuple containing the result of the multiplication along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred. If the overflow component is false, the partialValue component contains the entire product. If the overflow component is true, an overflow occurred and the partialValue component contains the truncated product of this value and rhs.


  • func multipliedReportingOverflow(by other: Int64) -> (partialValue: Int64, overflow: Bool)
func quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy:)

Returns the quotient and remainder of this value divided by the given value.

Use this method to calculate the quotient and remainder of a division at the same time.

  • let x = 1_000_000
  • let (q, r) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 933)
  • // q == 1071
  • // r == 757

rhs: The value to divide this value by. Returns: A tuple containing the quotient and remainder of this value divided by rhs.


  • func quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy rhs: Int64) -> (quotient: Int64, remainder: Int64)

Declared In

func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy:)

Returns the remainder after dividing this value by the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred during division.

Dividing by zero is not an error when using this method. For a value x, the result of x.remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy: 0) is (x, true).

rhs: The value to divide this value by. Returns: A tuple containing the result of the operation along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred. If the overflow component is false, the partialValue component contains the entire remainder. If the overflow component is true, an overflow occurred during division and the partialValue component contains either the entire remainder or, if the remainder is undefined, the dividend.


  • func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy other: Int64) -> (partialValue: Int64, overflow: Bool)
func signum()

Returns -1 if this value is negative and 1 if it's positive; otherwise, 0.

Returns: The sign of this number, expressed as an integer of the same type.


Declared In

Int64, FixedWidthInteger
func subtractingReportingOverflow(_:)

Returns the difference obtained by subtracting the given value from this value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.

rhs: The value to subtract from this value. Returns: A tuple containing the result of the subtraction along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred. If the overflow component is false, the partialValue component contains the entire difference. If the overflow component is true, an overflow occurred and the partialValue component contains the truncated result of rhs subtracted from this value.


  • func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ other: Int64) -> (partialValue: Int64, overflow: Bool)
func unsafeAdding(_:)

Returns the sum of this value and the given value without checking for arithmetic overflow.

Use this function only to avoid the cost of overflow checking when you are certain that the operation won't overflow. In optimized builds (-O) the compiler is free to assume that overflow won't occur. Failure to satisfy that assumption is a serious programming error and could lead to statements being unexpectedly executed or skipped.

In debug builds (-Onone) a runtime error is still triggered if the operation overflows.

rhs: The value to add to this value. Returns: The sum of this value and rhs.


Declared In

func unsafeDivided(by:)

Returns the quotient obtained by dividing this value by the given value without checking for arithmetic overflow.

Use this function only to avoid the cost of overflow checking when you are certain that the operation won't overflow. In optimized builds (-O) the compiler is free to assume that overflow won't occur. Failure to satisfy that assumption is a serious programming error and could lead to statements being unexpectedly executed or skipped.

In debug builds (-Onone) a runtime error is still triggered if the operation overflows.

rhs: The value to divide this value by. Returns: The result of dividing this value by rhs.


Declared In

func unsafeMultiplied(by:)

Returns the product of this value and the given value without checking for arithmetic overflow.

Use this function only to avoid the cost of overflow checking when you are certain that the operation won't overflow. In optimized builds (-O) the compiler is free to assume that overflow won't occur. Failure to satisfy that assumption is a serious programming error and could lead to statements being unexpectedly executed or skipped.

In debug builds (-Onone) a runtime error is still triggered if the operation overflows.

rhs: The value to multiply by this value. Returns: The product of this value and rhs.


Declared In

func unsafeSubtracting(_:)

Returns the difference obtained by subtracting the given value from this value without checking for arithmetic overflow.

Use this function only to avoid the cost of overflow checking when you are certain that the operation won't overflow. In optimized builds (-O) the compiler is free to assume that overflow won't occur. Failure to satisfy that assumption is a serious programming error and could lead to statements being unexpectedly executed or skipped.

In debug builds (-Onone) a runtime error is still triggered if the operation overflows.

rhs: The value to subtract from this value. Returns: The result of subtracting rhs from this value.


Declared In


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Conditionally Inherited Items

The initializers, methods, and properties listed below may be available on this type under certain conditions (such as methods that are available on Array when its elements are Equatable) or may not ever be available if that determination is beyond's capabilities. Please open an issue on GitHub if you see something out of place!

Where Magnitude : UnsignedInteger, Stride : SignedInteger

static func random(in: ClosedRange<Int64>)

Returns a random value within the specified range.

Use this method to generate an integer within a specific range. This example creates three new values in the range 1...100.

  • for _ in 1...3 {
  •     print(Int.random(in: 1...100))
  • }
  • // Prints "53"
  • // Prints "64"
  • // Prints "5"

This method uses the default random generator, Random.default. The call to Int.random(in: 1...100) above is equivalent to calling Int.random(in: 1...100, using: &Random.default).

range: The range in which to create a random value. Returns: A random value within the bounds of range.


Declared In

static func random(in: Range<Int64>)

Returns a random value within the specified range.

Use this method to generate an integer within a specific range. This example creates three new values in the range 1..<100.

  • for _ in 1...3 {
  •     print(Int.random(in: 1..<100))
  • }
  • // Prints "53"
  • // Prints "64"
  • // Prints "5"

This method uses the default random generator, Random.default. The call to Int.random(in: 1..<100) above is equivalent to calling Int.random(in: 1..<100, using: &Random.default).

range: The range in which to create a random value. range must not be empty. Returns: A random value within the bounds of range.


Declared In

static func random<T>(in: ClosedRange<Int64>, using: inout T)

Returns a random value within the specified range, using the given generator as a source for randomness.

Use this method to generate an integer within a specific range when you are using a custom random number generator. This example creates three new values in the range 1...100.

  • for _ in 1...3 {
  •     print(Int.random(in: 1...100, using: &myGenerator))
  • }
  • // Prints "7"
  • // Prints "44"
  • // Prints "21"

Parameters: range: The range in which to create a random value. generator: The random number generator to use when creating the new random value. Returns: A random value within the bounds of range.


Declared In

static func random<T>(in: Range<Int64>, using: inout T)

Returns a random value within the specified range, using the given generator as a source for randomness.

Use this method to generate an integer within a specific range when you are using a custom random number generator. This example creates three new values in the range 1..<100.

  • for _ in 1...3 {
  •     print(Int.random(in: 1..<100, using: &myGenerator))
  • }
  • // Prints "7"
  • // Prints "44"
  • // Prints "21"

Parameters: range: The range in which to create a random value. range must not be empty. generator: The random number generator to use when creating the new random value. Returns: A random value within the bounds of range.


Declared In


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Where Stride : SignedInteger

func ...(_:maximum:)

Returns a countable closed range that contains both of its bounds.

Use the closed range operator (...) to create a closed range of any type that conforms to the Strideable protocol with an associated signed integer Stride type, such as any of the standard library's integer types. This example creates a ClosedRange<Int> from zero up to, and including, nine.

  • let singleDigits = 0...9
  • print(singleDigits.contains(9))
  • // Prints "true"

You can use sequence or collection methods on the singleDigits range.

  • print(singleDigits.count)
  • // Prints "10"
  • print(singleDigits.last)
  • // Prints "9"

Parameters:)`. minimum: The lower bound for the range. maximum: The upper bound for the range.


Declared In


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